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our story | the birth of
Le Sound Temple

The universe aligns in mysterious ways. In 2021, a fortuitous offer: a church space in Fort Lauderdale. Little did we know, this was the dawn of Le Sound Temple. People were drawn – some to listen, others to contribute their musical souls.

Academics, with their formal training, were welcomed. We implored them to play from the heart, to connect with the spirits, and let the music flow. No rehearsals, just a perfect symphony from the start: flutes, violins, crystal bowls, gongs, chants, bass, shakers – a beautiful cacophony of healing energy.

Today, Le Sound Temple transcends location, responding to the high demand for spiritual sound baths. We offer our best versions, channeling the divine and the cosmic to nurture your well-being.

My story

Le Sound Temple: A Journey of Healing Sound

  From Darkness to Light
Life threw me its curveballs – depression, addiction, a gnawing emptiness. Therapy helped, but something deeper was missing.

In 2017, a life-changing plant medicine retreat in Bolivia became the spark. There, amidst breathtaking landscapes, a powerful vision unfolded: myself, surrounded by hundreds in lotus pose, creating cosmic sounds with a giant metal disc. It was a glimpse of paradise.
Back in the States, a quest began. I found the “best gong maker in the universe,” learning to connect with the bronze, coaxing it from slumber to a space of creation. Guided by the same spirits encountered in Bolivia (thank you, Mother Ayahuasca!), I became a vessel for healing sound.

Before the awakening, a different life unfolded. Law school in Canada, then ADHD took hold. A move to New Mexico, a federal government job, marriage, medical sales success. Money flowed, addictions bloomed, and I nearly lost myself. But plant medicine, shamans from South America, and the power of sound therapy intervened. Today, I stand as a testament to their healing power.

Ways we heal

Photo of Gongs in a private sound bath healing ceremony at Le Sound Temple.
Gong Bath Sound Healing
Cacao Friday’s Sound Healing
Women’s Drumming Circle Ceremonies

Exclusively for Women
Drum Rental Available for Small Fee

Private, Group, & Corporate Sound Healing Ceremonies

In Our Studio | At a Place of Your Choosing

Le Sound Temple, where you can go to get enlightened.
Xanga & Plant Medicine Ceremonies
Spiritual Plant Medicine Retreats

Ayahuasca | Huachuma
San Pedro, Rapeh, Kambo and master Plants dietas.

We did it


Photo of Sound Bath Ceremony at Le Sound Temple, located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Here we perform plant medicine and Ayahuasca ceremonies.


I walked the path

Law school in Canada…ADHD took hold. A move to New Mexico, a federal government job, marriage, medical sales success.
Money flowed, addictions bloomed, and I nearly lost myself.


The Awakening

A life-changing plant medicine retreat in Bolivia where a powerful vision unfolded

Photo of Le Sound Temple sound healing ceremony. Inclusive sound bath in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


The year I did this

The conception of Le Sound Temple & the grace of a church in Fort Lauderdale that allowed it to happen

… the rest is to be continued

The podcast

Listen in: journeys & conversations

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